Common Core State Standards

The Common Core State Standard’s emphasis on nonfiction brings David and all nonfiction writers to the table of discussion (and debate) about the new standards adopted by most states. (Most of the others have created similar state standards.) David’s books and the emphasis of his presentations for children and educators are aligned with Common Core values such as critical thinking, close reading, problem-solving, and inquiry.

There’s no shortage of reading material on the Common Core State Standards, but there’s only so much one person can read! Here are a few of David’s favorites blogs and sites:

The Uncommon Corps blog – This is my running commentary on the CCSS, especially its connection to nonfiction literature, written by five luminaries including David’s iNK colleague, Myra Zarnowski.

The Uncommon Core – A smorgasbord of CCSS advice, explanations and teaching materials.

Illustrative Mathematics Resources – A very thorough approach to the content standards where you can search for lessons by grade level and strand.

Inside Mathematics – Features videos of mentor teachers using innovative approaches to teach the standards in the classroom.

Fisher and Frey: Literacy for Life – Literacy experts Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey have created a wide-ranging but accessible site that melds high-quality instruction across the grades and content areas to the CCSS, along with explorations of many other critical areas of education.

With their emphasis on non-fiction, David’s presentations are highly consistent with the Common Core State Standards. With the rising demand for graduates trained in STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) while the number of students pursuing those subjects is falling, David motivates children to see that math is both relevant and fun. He changes attitudes and goals. Here is what a high school student wrote to David, years after seeing him as an elementary school student:

“Years ago, you came to talk to us about math, science and reading… This is one of my favorite and most vivid childhood memories… I quickly developed an interest in math and science after your presentation. Thank you for jump-starting my interest in what I now love.”

Contact David for more information about how he can “jump-start” your students’ interest in subjects that they can love.