Head over to the new www.davidschwartz.com. Check out that cool filmstrip coursing across the bottom of the home page. Some of my favorite photos of the past ten years will slide by, and you can gaze at them by hovering your mouse.
The site includes many features for parents, teachers and children, including links to resources for using my books in the classroom. Children love the videos I recommend. I’m in Seoul right now where the students of Korea International School watched the videos I recommended over and over (and over and over).
New pages on the website include:
- “For Parents & Teachers” with many resources, including myriad activities related to my books.
- “Dave’s Fave’s,” including some of my favorite articles, websites, blogs, videos and more. I hope you will send me some of your “faves.”
- “A Million Places to Read” and “A Million Ways to Do Math.” Please send me a picture of you reading in your favorite (and strangest) reading spot or an interesting way you have done great math outside of class. With a parent’s permission, I’ll put them up on the site!
Some new features of the site are still under development. Your suggestions are welcome. I am very excited about the new website and I am hoping you will help me shape it with your contributions.