Invitations to overseas schools seem to come in ocean waves. Some years I have none, but in other years (like this one), I have many. I’m writing from Korea, where I have just completed two weeks of visits to seven schools, and I’ll be going back to Asia two more times before the end of spring, with visits to schools in China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Malaysia and – get this – Uzbekistan. Last fall, I went to schools in Switzerland and Romania. And in November, without leaving the USA I went to an exotic place: Hawaii, where I was draped with leis before every presentation.
If, in 2015-16, you would like to host a David Schwartz author extravaganza complete with exponentially growing bags of popcorn, proportionally hopping frogs, subtracting crabs, stories galore, a million laughs, and kids who get more excited about math and books than they (or their teachers) ever thought possible . . . there are ways to get me to your school for less stress on your budget:
- Piggyback onto a trip I’m already making. Send me an email to see if I’m going to be nearby. If I can add your school to my trip, it saves considerably on travel expenses. My speaking itinerary is on my website but, frankly, it’s not always up to date. It also does not include speaking tours being discussed but not yet confirmed; it can help both of us if I know of your possible interest in joining a tour-in-the-making.
- Help me get multiple days in your area by doing outreach to other schools. I am willing to discount my rate if you can help add efficiency and subtract stress from my life by letting me stay put for several days of school visits in one place.
Most of my 2015-16 school year travels are still in the planning stages but it looks like there’s a strong possibility of visiting schools in VA, CT, VT, AL, SC and southern CA (as well as northern CA, where I live) in the fall. Overseas trips are looking to include the Middle East, Mexico and possibly Central America. Don’t hesitate to contact me about other areas in the US or overseas because I will no doubt be adding more destinations to the list.
My website has my speaking schedule but I admit it isn’t always up to date, so feel free to write to me to request an update or details on what is listed. Use the “Contact David” link on my site. When you write, please tell me where you are located.